
الجمعة، 9 أغسطس 2019

Some of Cleopatra's beauty secrets revealed Cleopatra's bath: 
One of Cleopatra's fineness and softness was the milk and honey bath she was doing permanently.You can easily apply it by mixing half a cup of honey with 3 cups of milk and 5 tablespoons of almond oil You can replace it with olive oil. Pour this mixture into your bath and enjoy a soft and gentle skin. Peeling the body: For a better effect with milk and honey bath Cleopatra was peeling and rubbing the body before taking her famous bath using 3 spoons of sea salt with 3 spoons of Any cream with thick textures and body scrub Face cream: one of the secrets of the beauty of that queen was her fine skin, where she used a face cream made of the following materials: 2 tablespoons of aloe vera, 4 drops of oil Aromatic, 1 teaspoon almond oil, 2 teaspoons of beeswax. Melt the beeswax with almond oil in a steam bath until it is warm, then add aloe vera. Allow to cool and then put in a glass bowl and celebrate Imagine a skin cream with completely natural ingredients and full of nutritious vitamins, not really great.Cleopatra mask: One of the skin masks adopted by Cleopatra to cleanse and nourish the skin was: egg yolks, almond oil spoon, teaspoon of honey This mask will refresh and nourish your skin. Once you apply it, you will always want to try it because of its impressive results. Cleopatra's Hair: No need to imagine how Cleopatra's hair will be with all this attention and materials. Natural, we will reveal to you some msi She used this mask for deep conditioning and full nutrition for hair, and if you want to get hair shiny and smooth like silk you can apply it contains: two tablespoons of olive oil with two tablespoons of castor oil mix them together and warm them on low heat and then massage the entire scalp well gestures Circulate and then spread the oil on the entire hair and cover and leave for an hour or more as you can afford, and then wash your hair as usual. And water-water Rinse for 15 minutes and then rinse again.This mask will help you repair your damaged hair and give it softness, shine and shine.

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Some of Cleopatra's beauty secrets revealed Cleopatra's bath:  One of Cleopatra's fineness and softness was the milk and hon...